Sedona Course Part 2
Sedona Method Release on Problems
Welcome to my third video on The Sedona Method and my quest for living a life of imperturbability. Today, we will discuss problems and The Sedona Method process for letting go of the problem loop.
A lot of times our problems are not with us in the present moment. For example, you may say you have a problem eating too much. You might ignore all of the times you eat healthy and tell yourself that it doesn’t count. Also, when you are not eating, you are not overeating.
Now, the Sedona Method is not saying to ignore your problems and take the correct action. However, your problems may keep you from feeling the way you want to feel. For example experiencing peace and joy, especially when you are stuck in the loop. The following process is a way to get unstuck in this loop.
Before we get started I want to remind you I am not a certified Sedona Method Coach or Facilitator at this time. I am not claiming to be associated with The Sedona Method. I have been studying and using The Sedona Method to better my life since 2012.
Ok, Let’s start the process
Begin by asking yourself what is a problem you believe you have.
Welcome any feeling of wanting to figure out that problem.
Could you just for now let go of wanting to figure it out?
Would you
Welcome any feelings of wanting to defend, justify, or explain the problem.
Could you just for now let go of wanting to defend, justify, or explain the problem?
Would you?
Could you welcome any rejecting yourself and the problem?
Could you let go of rejecting yourself and the problem?
Would you?
Could you accept yourself and the problem as best you can just for now?
Would you?
Could you let go of wanting to make the problem real again just for now?
Would you?
Keep on continuing this process until you can let go of the problem loop.
Releasing Through The Nine Emotional States
The Sedona Method lists 9 emotional states. In this video, we will learn about apathy and how to let it go.
The first and lowest emotional state is apathy. In apathy, we see only failure, and how we can’t and no one else can.
Some words that describe apathy are: can’t win, dead, defeated, discouraged, hopeless, I can’t it’s too late, powerless, too tired, useless, and what’s the use.
Think of a time when you experienced apathy. (Again) Welcome the sensations, pictures, and sounds in your mind. Really let them be here.
As best you can, just for now, could you let this feeling go?
Would you?
Repeat as necessary until you let go of any remaining apathy.
The next emotion, one step up from apathy is grief. Sometimes grief can feel stronger than apathy, as apathy can feel numbing.
In grief, our thoughts revolve around how much we hurt, what we have lost, and whether or not we can get anyone else to help us.
Some words that describe grief are: anguished, ashamed, despair, forgotten, guilty, inconsolable, neglected, nobody cares, rejected, sadness, unloved, why me?
Think of a time when you experienced grief. (Again) Welcome the sensations, pictures, and sounds in your mind. Really let them be here.
As best you can, just for now, could you let this feeling go?
Would you?
Repeat as necessary until you let go of any remaining grief.
The next emotion is fear, In fear, our thoughts revolve around doom and destruction. We focus on how we could get hurt, what we may lose, and protecting ourselves and those around us.
Some words that describe fear are anxious, dread, embarrassed, insecure, panic, paranoid, suspicious, terrified, worry.
Think of a time when you experienced fear. (Again) Welcome the sensations, pictures, and sounds in your mind. Really let them be here.
As best you can, just for now, could you let this feeling go?
Would you?
Repeat as necessary until you let go of any remaining fear.
The next emotion is lust. We focus on positive fantasies, but deep down there is a feeling of I don’t have, or it is not right to have. No matter how much we get, we do not feel satisfied.
Some words that describe lust are: can’t wait, fixated, gluttonous, I want, impatient, lecherous, manipulative, overindulgent, scheming
Think of a time when you experienced lust. (Again) Welcome the sensations, pictures, and sounds in your mind. Really let them be here.
As best you can, just for now, could you let this feeling go?
Would you?
Repeat as necessary until you let go of any remaining lust.
The next emotion is anger. In anger we focus on destruction and what we will do to others. Our thoughts are on getting even and making others pay.
Some words that describe anger are annoyed, argumentative, defiant, explosive, frustrated, irate, livid, outraged, resentment, stewing, and vengeful.
Think of a time when you experienced anger. (Again) Welcome the sensations, pictures, and sounds in your mind. Really let them be here.
As best you can, just for now, could you let this feeling go?
Would you?
Repeat as necessary until you let go of any remaining anger.
The next emotion is pride. In pride, our thoughts are based on what we have done and what we know. We want people to notice how great we are and there may be a feeling of “I did it, but I can’t do it again.”
Some words that describe pride are: above reproach, arrogant, boastful, conceited, gloating, know-it-all, never wrong, snobbish, special, superior, and vain.
Think of a time when you experienced pride. (Again) Welcome the sensations, pictures, and sounds in your mind. Really let them be here.
As best you can, just for now, could you let this feeling go?
Would you?
Repeat as necessary until you let go of any remaining pride.
The next emotion is courageousness. In courageousness, our thoughts and feelings are focused on what we can do and learn and how we can support others to do the same.
Some words that describe courageousness are alert, alive, centered, cheerful, compassion, exhilaration, I can, non-resistant, positive, strong, supportive, and zest.
Think of a time when you experienced courageousness. Welcome the sensations, pictures, and sounds in your mind. Really let them be here.
If you have trouble letting go of the positive feelings, just welcome them but remember as you let go of even these positive feelings you will become lighter and brighter.
As best you can, just for now, could you welcome or even let this feeling go?
Would you?
Repeat as necessary until you fully welcome or let go of any courageousness.
The next feeling is acceptance. In acceptance, we welcome everything the way it is with no need to change it. It is OK just as it is and is beautiful as it is. Our thoughts are in love with what is. Life is joyous.
Some words that describe acceptance are abundance, balance, compassion, delight, elated, everything’s okay, fullness, harmonious, I have, nothing to change, playful, and well-being.
Think of a time when you experienced acceptance. Welcome the sensations, pictures, and sounds in your mind. Really let them be here.
As best you can, just for now, could you welcome or even let this feeling go?
Would you?
Repeat as necessary until you fully welcome or let go of any acceptance.
The final feeling is peace. In peace, we feel we are whole and complete. Everyone and everything is part of ourselves. Our mind is clear yet totally aware. All is well.
Some words that describe peace are ageless, aware, centered, eternal, I am, imperturbable, presence, quiet, still, and whole.
Think of a time when you experienced peace. Welcome the sensations, pictures, and sounds in your mind. Really let them be here.
If you have trouble letting go of the following positive feelings, just welcome them but remember as you let go of even these positive feelings you will become lighter and brighter.
As best you can, just for now, could you welcome or even let this feeling go?
Would you?
Repeat as necessary until you fully welcome or let go of any peace
Letting Go Of Resistance
Have you ever been super excited about starting a new project or maybe you decided to make a change in your life? At first, you felt invigorated but pretty soon you found it harder and harder to continue.
This is an example of the feeling of resistance.
Also if we are told we should, must, or ought to do something, either by ourselves or others, we tend to stir up resistance.
When we resist what is, or life in general, we are fighting rather than just going with the flow of life.
The good thing is that resistance is just a feeling and it can be let go.
Here’s a process for resistance:
Welcome something you are currently resisting as best you can. Welcome the sounds pictures and sensations.
Could you just for now, as best you can let go of this feeling of resistance?
Could you allow yourself to accept what is as best you can, just for now?
Repeat as necessary until you let go of any resistance.